Parts of Speech in Bengali | English Grammar

Parts of Speech in Bengali | English Grammar

Here we will learn Parts of Speech, the most important thing of English Grammar. This Parts of speech learning course is very helpful for Bengali Medium Students. This \”Parts of speech in Bengali\” course is helpful for Madhyamik students and Higher Secondary Students.

Definition of Parts of Speech in Bengali

Words are divided into different kinds or classes, called parts of speech according to their use, that is, according to the work they do to the sentence. 

বাক্যে ব্যবহার অনুযায়ী এবং কার্য অনুযায়ী বিভিন্ন শ্রেণীর শব্দগুলিকে Parts of Speech বলে।

Eight Parts of Speech


The Parts of Speech are eight in number. They are: (1) Noun (2) Pronoun (3) Adjective (4) Verb (5) Adverb (6) Preposition (7) Conjunction (8) Interjection.


Definition of Noun : A Noun is a word used for naming a person, place or thing. The word \’noun\’ comes from the Latin word \’nomen\’ and French word \’nom\’ meaning \’the name of anything\’. Nouns are the name of persons, places, things. actions, feelings and qualities.

Nouns are of five types. They are :
(i) Proper noun: Krishna, Ramen. Calcutta. Lotus, the Ganges etc.
(ii) Common noun : Boys, girls, towns, countries etc.
(iii) Collective noun : Army, group. bunch. crowd, team, class etc.
(iv) Material noun : Gold, silver, copper, wood, iron etc.
(v) Abstract noun : Honesty, bravery, music, philosophy, laughter etc. 


Definition of Pronoun : The word which is used instead of a noun or a noun equivalent is called a pronoun. (যে শব্দ Noun বা Noun জাতীয় শব্দের পরিবর্তে ব্যবহৃত হয় তাকে Pronoun বলে।)

Pronouns are of nine types (according to their function in the sentences. They are :
(i) Personal Pronoun: I, we, you, he, me, she, him, her. our
(ii) Possessive Pronoun: Mine, ours, yours, his, its, theirs
(iii) Demonstrative Pronoun : This, that, these, those, it. so. such
(iv) Interrogative Pronoun : Who, which, what, whom, whose
(v) Relative Pronoun: Who, which, what that, whose. whom. anyone, none. anybody. everybody
(vi) Reflexive Pronoun: Myself, ourselves, yourself, himself, itself, themselves
(vii) Indefinite Pronoun : Any, all, many, some, few, someone, anyone, none, anybody. nobody, everybody
(viii) Distributive Pronoun : Each, every, either, neither
(ix) Reciprocal Pronoun : Each other, one another


Definition of Adjective : An adjective is a word used to qualify a noun or a pronoun ( যে word noun বা pronoun-এর দোষগুণ, অবস্থা, পরিমাণ, সংখ্যা ইত্যাদি বুঝায় তাকে Adjective বলে। )

Adjectives are mainly of two types (i) Attributive Adjective and (ii) Predicative Adjective.

When an adjective is placed before a noun or a pronoun to qualify it, then it is called Attributive Adjective. (Adjective যখন Noun বা Pronoun-এর পূর্বে বসে তাকে qualify করে তখন তাকে Attributive Adjective বলে।) যেমন, Rina is a beautiful girl. This is a sweet mango.

When an adjective is placed after a verbs as predicate then it is called Predicative Adjective (Adjective যখন verb-এর পরে Predicate Position-এ বসে তাকে qualify করে তখন তাকে Predicative Adjective ) বলে।) যেমন, This building is beautiful. This mango is sweet.

But in terms of nature there are eight kinds of adjectives. They are :

(i) Proper Adjective : Asian, Indian, Chinese, Japanese, American, Russian. African French, Punjabi. Bengali etc.
(ii) Adjective of quality : Good, bad, rich, poor, wise, great, hot, cold, warm, noble etc.
(ii) Adjective of quantity : All, any, much, some half, full, whole, enough. a little etc.
(iv) Numerical Adjective: One, two, three first second third, fourth, all any, many, some. several, each. every few. a few. very few etc.
(v) Demonstrative Adjective: This, that, these, those, such etc.
(vi) Distributive Adjective: Each, every, either. neither
(vii) Interrogative Adjective : Which, what, whose
(viii) Possessive Adjective: My, our his, her, them


A Verb is a word that states action, position or being (যে শব্দ দ্বারা কোনো কিছু করা, থাকা বা হওয়া বােঝায় তাকে Verb) বলে)। যেমন— He built a house. I have pen. You are a boy.

Verbs are mainly of two types : Principal and Auxiliary.

Principal verbs are of two types : Transitive verb (which has an object or objects) and Intransitive verb (which has no object) He strikes the boy (Transitive). The girls slept (Intransitive). We laugh (Intransitive).

Auxiliary verbs are of two types: (i) Primary Auxiliary and (ii) Modal Auxiliary (Verbs which are used as helping verb to form tense, mood etc.)

Primary Auxiliary : (Be-be, is, am, are, was, were, been, being. Have-have. has, had. having. Do-do, does, did)

Modal Auxiliary: (can, could, shall, should, will, would, may, might, dare used to, must. need, ought to 


An adverb is a word that modifies a verb, an adjective or another adverb in a sentence. He runs fast (verb-কে). She is very good (adjective-কে). They worked quite slowly (adverb-কে).

Adverb are mainly of three types according to their functions and meanings. They are : (i) Relative Adverb, (ii) Interrogative Adverb and (iii) Simple Adverb.

(i) Relative Adverb : Relative adverb does the work of a conjunction as well as an adverb. It connects two clauses. Some of the relative adverbs are: where, when, how, why. I know the place where Rabindranath was born. This is the reason why he left the school. She does not know how to do it. Tell me the time when you come.

(ii) Interrogative Adverb : The adverbs which are used to ask questions are interrogative adverbs. They are: where, when, why, how, how long. how often etc. Where will they play? When do you go to school? How old are you? Why have you come? How often do you go there? How long have you been here?

(iii) Simple Adverb : Simple Adverbs can be divided into seven types according to their functions and meanings. They are :

Adverbs of Time

now, then, today, tomorrow, yesterday ago once, soon, after, still, yet etc.

Adverbs of place

here, there, far, near, above, below. to, up, down, out, within, inside, outside, everywhere. nowhere etc.

Adverbs of manner

fast, slowly, hard, well, happily, loudly, justly, badly, easily, anyhow. smoothly, hopefully etc.

Adverbs of degree

well, very well enough, almost, much to completely, hardy, purely, nearly entirely slightly, at all etc.

Adverbs of cause and purpose

so, therefore, hence etc.

Adverbs of number and frequency

once, often. twice, always, very, after, everyday, daily, usually, seldom, rarely, sometimes, regularly etc.

Adverbs of affirmation and negation

yes, not at all surely, never, certainly, indeed.


A Preposition is a word placed before a noun or pronoun to show its relation with other parts of speech in a sentence. (Preposition noun বা Pronoun-এর পূর্বে বসে তার সঙ্গে sentence-এর অন্য পদগুলির সম্পর্ক বােঝায়।)

Prepositions are of six types. They are :
(i) Prepositions of time- at, in, on, by, off, from, away, since, for. towards until within prior to previous to.
(ii) Prepositions of place- at, in, from, on, of, down, up about, above, across. after around. beside, between, beyond, under, over, within, without inside, outside, in front of on top of side by side.
(iii) Prepositions of possession- by. of. with
(iv) Prepositions of direction motion- to, at from, round, across, against in, along. towards. for, into out of through.
(v) Prepositions of cause, reason or purpose- of. for, with, from
(vi) Prepositions of agent, manner or method- in. on, for. by with through.


A Conjunction is a word which is used to join words, phrases, clauses and sentences. ( যেমন- He came and sat there. He is sad but hopeful. Slow but steady wins the race. If you help me, I may succeed. The boy is honest though poor.

Conjunctions are of two types, depending upon what they combine. (i) Co-ordinating Conjunctions, (ii) Sub-ordinating Conjunction.

(i) Co-ordinating Conjunction – A co-ordinating conjunction joins together words. phrases and sentences of equal rank. They are : and, or, still therefore, yet, but, both, as well as etc.

(ii) Sub-ordinating Conjunction-A sub-ordinating conjuction joins together words, phrases and sentences of unequal rank. They are: if, after, as, before, lest, since, unless, why, that, where, whether, because, while, until. when.

Conjunctional Phrases : As long as, as well as supposing that, as if. in case, as because. if not are called Conjunctional phrases, since they involve more than one word.


An interjection cannot actually be called a part of speech, for it stands apart from other words in a sentence and it has no grammatical connection with them. It only expresses some sudden and strong emotions like-joy, sorrow, surprise, hate, fear, astonishment etc.

Hurrah ! our team won the match. Bravo ! well done. Alas ! he is no more. Hark! There the bell goes. Fie ! you have tell a lie.

An Interjection is a word which expresses some sudden feelings or emotions.

Besides some words of exclamation like Hurrah ! Hallo ! Oh ! Bravo! Fie ! Shame! Hush ! etc. There are some interjectional phrases like Goodbye, Well done! Ah me! Woe to me ! etc

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