Noun | Types of Nouns | English Grammar

Noun | Types of Nouns | English Grammar

Definition of Noun

We know that a Noun is the name of a person, thing, animal, place, nation, quality and so on. All that we see, hear, smell or touch are nouns.
ব্যক্তি, বস্তু, পশু, ধারণা, গুণ ইত্যাদির নামকে Noun বলে।

Types of Nouns

There are five kinds of nouns: (1) Proper Nouns, (2) Common Nouns. (3) Collective Nouns, (4) Material Nouns and (5) Abstract Nouns.


1. Proper Nouns

Definition of Proper Nouns : Name of a particular being, thing, time, place, written with a capital initial, without any determiner or article. (except in a few cases)
প্রথম অক্ষর বড় হাতের সহ কোন ব্যক্তি, বস্তু, স্থান, বার, তারিখ ইত্যাদির নাম। সাধারণত কোন determiner বা article বসে না।

Examples of Proper Nouns : 
Being- Ram, Rabin, Tom, Rabindranath, Vivekananda.
Place- Calcutta, India, Asia, Europe.
Time- Monday, January, 1999.
Exceptional Books and Newspapers- The Statesman, The Himalayas, The Koran.

2. Common Nouns

Definition of Common Nouns : Name given to one example or more of a class of things or to the class as a whole. (name common to a whole class)
একই শ্রেণী বা শ্রেণীভুক্ত কোন ব্যক্তি ইত্যাদির নাম।

Examples of Common Nouns : Boy, girl, ship, theatre, dog, city, captain, book.

3. Collective Nouns

Definition of Collective Nouns : Name of a group of persons, animals, or things as a whole. hey may be specific or generic.
একদল ব্যক্তি, বস্তু বা পশু-পাখির শ্রেণীগত নাম।

Examples of Collective Nouns : 
Persons- class, family, company, army.
Things and animals- fleet, flock.
Specific- Committee. gang, government.
Generic-The clergy, the public.

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